I Wish I Could See

As I was in my closet one morning getting ready, I was thinking about some issues that I struggle with, I started having thoughts about some things that the Lord might say to me in response to my problems. Mostly having to do with my worth, and things stemming from insecurities that I have. Here is what came to my mind…..

“I wish you knew what I see when I look at you. You are beautiful, priceless, and precious to me. 

I wish you could see what I see. 

It hurts to think about the times when you compare yourself to others. And think those negative thoughts of somehow not being good enough, or wishing you had what someone else does. You might not ever have what they have. But what I supply you is enough. 

If only you could see what I see. 

You would see the masterpiece that you are. Your personality, your desires, dreams, and passions. I put those in you for a purpose, to use them for my glory. You are more than just your physical appearance. 

If only you could see what I do. 

You are so hard on yourself sometimes. All that you can focus on are the places where you don’t measure up, or you feel like you have failed. Look at me instead. I fill in the gaps where you fall short. You don’t have to have it all together, because I do. 

If only you could see. 

It’s ok to give yourself some grace. It is not necessary for you to be perfect, because I am. Don’t live to please others, for their applause will fade. Live for Me, because you already have my approval if you can accept it. My love is something that will never end. It always fills. 

If only you realized. 

Remember why I came to this earth. I gave up everything just to be with you. Experienced everything you would, so you have someone who understands what you are going through. And because I conquered death, you can too. Remember that I am always with you. And someday soon we will be together. “

……I pray that we can catch even a glimpse of what He sees, and realize all the hope we have in Him. 


Published by becweber

Hi! So glad that you stopped by! My name is Becky, I am a Jesus follower, wife to a pastor, and mom to 4 kids. I am a writer and a speaker. I have a heart to minister specifically to women. I want to encourage others to walk with Jesus on a daily basis, because I believe this is life-changing. I desire to be myself, imperfections and all. I believe that being authentic is the best to relate to others. I love coffee, exercising, shopping for deals, and connecting with friends one on one when I can. Feel free to browse through my site, and I hope it encourages you!

11 thoughts on “I Wish I Could See

  1. Great read, thank you for sharing from the heart of a struggle we all have. Greatly appreciate your heart in this!

  2. My constant prayer during a very difficult season in my life was, "God, help me to see myself the way that You do." Being able to do that is one of the greatest gifts. Thank you for sharing!

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